My mail ballot arrived on Wednesday as it always has, safe and sound and free from roving gangs out to commit voter fraud. That left me to ponder the primary races and for whom to cast my vote. And one race in particular jumped off the paper.
The Democratic primary for First Judicial District Attorney.
While Republicans don’t have a single primary in my area – either a sign of party unity or apathy – and the Democratic top of the ticket contenders seem hellbent on boosting the chances of underdog incumbent Sen. Cory Gardner, the district attorney campaign provides compelling storylines.
The race pits Alexis King, a former member of the JeffCo DA’s Office (Jefferson County accounts for more than 99% of the district) and current attorney for the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center, against Jake Lilly, a former federal prosecutor and current attorney with the 5th Judicial District.
It probably helped pique my interest when flyers from the two campaigns arrived in my mailbox alongside my ballot. An avowed political mail enthusiast, I obviously began picking both apart.